Saturday, December 5, 2009

Reflection #20

Reflection Paper#20: What do you understand intersexuality and transexuality to be. Has your study of these topics been useful to you? How?

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Reflection 19

Erotic orientation, self-definition and sexual behavior is the cause of homosexuality. Erotic orientation is being sexually aroused psychologically and/or physically by both sexes, opposite sex, and/or the same sex. Self-definition is when a person believes because of the erotic orientation one has it convinces one to believe that they are homosexual, bisexual, heterosexual, or asexual. Sexual behavior is when the individual acts, behaves, expresses on their erotic orientation and self-definition, which will prove the fact they are homosexual, heterosexual, bisexual, or asexual.

I also believe one of the causes of homosexuality is peer pressure. When a group of children or teenagers are homosexual or bisexual and another child hangs with that group, the beliefs of the group will make the individual start to think and feel differently. The group talks about one thing only sexual attraction or encounters with same sex and/or both sexes make that individual start to understand and might even feel the same way. A group is all it takes to make a certain beliefs, values, and attitudes to make everything seem cool, seem right, seem that it is the way of life.

Homosexuality has never been a problem to me. When I first encountered a homosexual I just looked at it as it is their life. I completely understood their position. If a person is attracted and sexually aroused by the same sex, why not be with the one who can satisfy their needs and make them happy.

On the other hand being raised with a Catholic and Baptist I know homosexuality isn’t right; it is not one of the values of a Christian. It is not the way God intended it to be. God made Adam and Eve and not Adam and Steve. The church believes in heterosexuality. The church believes in a man and a woman uniting in holy matrimony. Christians would not discriminate or hate bisexuals or homosexuals; Christians would love them. Christians just believe they are not living through God.

Listening to Reggae and Dance Hall music suggest the hatred they have for homosexuality, and bisexuals. So, listening to that music has never made me feel that kind of hatred for homosexuals because I know that is not right. Hating or wanting to kill someone because of their sexual orientation.

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Reflection #18

The question that is asked about the article “Tale of Two Islands” gave me a new perspective about the situation. I have lived in a diverse city Miami, South Florida which is a major entry for the asylee, the refugee, the entrant, the migrant, and the immigrant. The way South Florida immigration laws are implemented many people can prospect it to be institutional racism, and others feel it is just. South Florida’s immigration policy reform would like to have borders that are secure, but the law has a peculiar immigration anomaly. Any group of people such as the government with a good conscience would correct quickly.

The United States of America policy, most undocumented immigrants will be deported when they touch U.S shores, but some depending on the judgment from immigration officials can avoid it. Immigrants who seek asylum should receive the same treatment. The immigrants should either be deported back to their country, or allowed for a better life in America.

Haitians and Cubans want to flee their country for different reasons and receive different treatment from the U.S. Cuban immigrants normally are qualified special provision by U.S immigration law. Many Haitians do not benefit from the U.S at all.

Reflection #17

The writer believes racism is the most pernicious of all the "isms." I can agree with that statement. I want to add that it is unintelligent to believe that a group of people are discriminated against or abused because of their race. There are many “isms.” Prejudice is to judge and have suspicion irrationally and prematurely or hatred of a particular group, race, or religion. Racism is being prejudice because of their ethnicity, with the power to oppress.

I am trying to imagine this situation. Two groups or individuals who are discussing they hate the color of their skin. How can a person resolve that? It’s ridiculous. Every group has something to offer another group. The group who is racist needs to go to counseling and be lectured until this racist group can respect and appreciate diversity. The racist people are simply uneducated or narrow-minded, hating someone for the color of their skin. If flesh is removed, we all look the same. We all need air, water and food to survive. It is a shame this problem is still going on today. Racism has to be beyond than skin color. Every time I learn something new I wonder what I can do to help.

Reflection # 16

Genocide is an organized function to demolish a racial, cultural, or political group. Ethnic Cleansing is the removal of a group that is unwanted by society, and forced migration or genocide. Genocide and ethnic cleansing is a form of physical attack and extermination. It happens when attitudes of prejudice compel groups or individuals to commit acts of violence. The patterns of genocide and ethnic cleansing are similar. They both have a dominant group that wants to take control and have the power to oppress over a group that they feel is inferior. Because the two are similar many still misuse both terms.

For example, the holocaust is a well-known genocide, but what many people don’t know there were and still is genocides, and ethnic cleansing still happening. The beginning of our country started off with some form of the Europeans being prejudice resulting in ethnic cleansing, forced the Indians to migrate. etc.

I wish that ethnic cleansing was only forced migration. Forced migration should be the only way to act when angry, jealous, prejudice etc. I do not understand how individuals or groups can go to the extreme and even consider killing a race, culture, or political group. When two civilized people or two groups get into a disagreement, they can talk it out or avoid each other. In order to get something accomplish, a group does not have to take things to the extreme because they feel intimidated by another group. A proper way of handling the situation would be for both sides to sit down and talk about the issue and come to some type of compromise or resolution. Even though both sides are on different ends of the spectrum there is always going to be a middle ground they could reach. That’s the civilized way to handle a situation rather than taking someone’s life over something that can be solved effective communication.

Saturday, October 31, 2009

Reflection #15

The Holocaust is a prime example of genocide. Adolf Hitler was against Jews; he dehumanized them and deprived them of everything they were worth. He turned Germany against them, resulting in extermination-genocide of the Jews. Its ridiculous how many people could be influenced to disobey any morals they may have, and do the unimaginable. Their thoughts are corrupted by prejudice.

The eight stages of genocide are classification, symbolization, dehumanization, organization, polarization, preparation, extermination, and denial. This happened in the holocaust. First, everyone was classified by their ethnicity, race, religion, or nationality. Then, the Jews were symbolized as the Jews. Next, Hitler dehumanized the Jews. After dehumanizing the Jews, Hitler organized his own government. Hitler separated the Jews from the rest of society, and made them were a Jewish symbol. Hitler prepared to exterminate all Jews. I don’t know if Hitler did or did not deny what he did.

There are books, documentaries, pictures, videos, concentration camps, and even holocaust survivors. How can anyone deny an event in history with so much evidence that it happened. I assume the people who refuse to believe the holocaust didn’t happen must want some attention and/or money. These people must be messed up psychologically. Some people believe the facts about the holocaust are exaggerated or made up, despite all the proof.

There are certain individuals who publicly announced they do not believe the holocaust happened. Some of them wrote books, made a speech, etc. Because I am not a denier I have no idea how they can deny something with so much proof. If they believe in God I would be surprised. It takes faith to believe in something you don’t see. On the other hand, maybe the deniers weren’t educated on this topic. Who really knows? What is the core of their disbelief, how could they deny history. It is a terrifying event. One of my History teachers said, we must learn history, so we can prevent it from happening again. The problem is the world keeps repeating itself with different situations.

Friday, October 30, 2009

Extra Credit (Emmett Till)

Institutional racism is horrifying because it means the rejective behaviors of prejudice would not be considered a crime since it is allowed by the law. No matter how degrading or brutal the act is it would not matter because the beliefs, values and attitudes are racist.

Emmett Tills case was full of institutional racism; the court didn’t justify what happened. His mother saw the darkness, but believed and knew there was going to be light. Emmett Tills death became “fuel for an endless journey of collective growth.” This event is one of the leading events that provoked the American Civil Rights Movement.

I never learned about Emmett Till, until EDF2085. I almost shed tears while I was reading and watching the movie because of all the details. I also smiled because Mammie Till lived to see how America transformed. This is an event I will never forget.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Reflection #14

The stereotype that our parents teach us as children is when prejudice starts forming. The stereotypes are facts, and we behave as if they are the truth because we do not question our parents, the only authority we know of as children. When situations happen with our stereotypes, what we learn is not evaluated and probably won’t be changed. Later in life, we acquire and learn new things. We evaluate, discuss and compare what we have learned and new learnings.

My mother didn’t raise me to be prejudice against race, gender, age, religion, etc. I know I was raised with certain stereotypes, but can seem to figure out what I am prejudice about. I am prejudice sometimes about people who body odor isn’t appealing to my senses. That is all I can think of. And I am only prejudice about being safe. For example, I only will feel uncomfortable if I do not lock the car door, or the house. I will lock it because no matter where I am I have learned that I can not really trust people with my personal belongings. I sincerely have an open heart and trust practically everyone, but I will not act as if I live in a crimeless area. And even if I go in a luxurious neighborhood I feel I still must lock up, or the worst could happen.

I am looking in my actions and my thoughts for any sort of prejudice. Through my eyes and through my mind, I do not show any kind of behavior of prejudice like: antilocution, avoidance, discrimination, physical attack, or extermination I don’t feel I commit intentional prejudice, and extremely doubt if I commit any prejudice that is unintentional.

Reflection #13

Auditory cues, physical sensations, body image cues, and personal memories leads to an awareness of oneself. Oneself is composed of two basic components: self-as-object (the known) and self-as-doer (the knower). The two components make up primary attributes. The self-as-object primary attributes are physical, social, emotional, and intellectual. The self-as-doer primary attributes are perceiving, performing, thinking, and remembering. The known constitutes the “ME,” and the knower constitutes the “I;” which combined, leads to development of the self-concept (ideas about oneself) and self-esteem (feelings about oneself) which equals the personality. This is about self development adapted by Don Hamachek.

This idea about self development starts around eight months and ends at three years: it’s very important in human being development. When someone achieves a sense of their self it is accomplishing, their accomplishments develop and is shaped over time by complex understandings. Our development doesn’t stop at three years old it continues throughout life. Evolution is a process of our self development. We constantly continue to change through this process that is long and complex. Being surrounded by different people, places and things helps forms and transforms oneself.

I am always fascinated about early childhood development. Hamachek stated infants develop a sense of self when they realize they are their own person. One important concept about infants Hamachek said is knowing that loved ones in our lives exist even when we are not around them; and our loved ones will be who they are as we remembered them when they return. As an infant knowing this it can free them to be their self.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Reflection #12

Freud starts off his theory with basic instincts that is within us. It is called the Id; it is primitive and infantile. Every experience we have is motivated by all our thoughts, emotions and behavior stimulated by two basic drives: sex and aggression. Through all this, we develop ego, and a superego.

My professor said when Freuds idea of sex is “tension built up and then a release.” When you’re hungry tension is being built, and when you eat there is a release known as satisfying hunger. This idea of sex can go towards any topic such as using the bathroom, getting homework done, paying bills, sex, etc. I agree completely with Freud’s theory on sex.

The animal kingdom is basically based on two drives: sex and aggression, which are two main theories by Freud implying the idea of “Survival of the fittest.” Animals have such a simple life compared to humans, or so we think. All animals need to do is procreate in order to keep their species alive and assure the continuation of their bloodline. They also have to be aggressive to protect themselves, as well as finding a food source.

Everything I learned about the Freud’s theory I can agree with. I can understand why some people would never agree with Freud’s work. Some people would never want to relate their life to an animal and disagree completely with Freud. These people who disagree with Freud’s work would probably be people who still keep think sex shouldn’t be discussed. Also people who are educated about neurology, psychology and subjects like that who have their own beliefs on the conscious, unconscious etc.

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Friday, October 9, 2009

Reflection #11

In a classroom a teacher gets about twenty five to forty children. Each child will be unique. A teacher could not predict how much diversity he/she will have in the class. Everyone has a different ethnic and racial identity, as well as different beliefs, values and attitudes. All kids are raised with essential fundamentals of their cultures thought which will reflect in the kid’s behavior. As a teacher I will have to transmit a message without offending anyone’s beliefs, values and attitudes. To teach inclusively I must let the students be aware that everyone is entitled to their own beliefs, values, attitudes and physical differnce. But no matter the culture there is a common set of values that I will have to instill to my students.

We grow up valuing that the common in our culture is good; and what’s not common in our culture is bad. When an individual, situation or object is identified to be different (bad) by another person, there is a tendency to express hatred, or prejudice to that object, person or situation. People who behave negatively (according to American ethics); do not consider they are doing anything wrong because their culture considers it right thing to do. Although the negative beliefs, values and attitudes result in antilocution, avoidance, physical attack, discrimination, and/or genocide.

The most important thing that I have learned in order to develop multicultural awareness/consciousness it is necessary to change ones beliefs, values and attitudes. This is one of the reasons why change is essential to become multicultural awareness/consciousness. Operative values are unwilling to change, however conceived values are susceptible to change. People will not change unless presented with factual information. However, people respond to change and take many forms. Operative values will be refined when someone’s knowledge and understanding grows, and living conditions alter.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Reflection #10

The most important thing for a teacher to do is teach each individual. In order to teach and respect each individual, the teacher should get to know the students on the first day. Every student is going to be different physically, mentally, intellectually, spiritually, and emotionally. A teacher should not ignore or single out anyone during a discussion. All students have different experiences, interests, beliefs and goals that a teacher must consider, and meet the diverse learning styles of each student. Diverse class is defined as a group of students with differences such as: race, gender, religion, ability, sexuality and nationality. Students in a teacher’s class should be aware of the differences and respect it even though students may have different thoughts and beliefs.

Teaching inclusively means setting some ground rules to set a zone. A zone that is comfortable for a diverse class. Make sure course goals are clear to all students and respond to the students who are meeting them. If statements that are injurious to another student, a teacher should comment and clarify. Allow students to have a debate, but within the rules to set the zone that promote a learning atmosphere suitable for each individual in the classroom.

Teaching inclusively should involve a variety of teaching techniques like: calling on student and taking volunteers. This is a strategy to get the class more involved. It’s a way for teachers to get to know each individual student. Group work and assigning groups is another way to get students to participate. In order to accommodate students who learn differently, there are plenty of teaching resources to result in inclusive teaching such as using: anecdotes, humor, visual aids, role plays.

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Reflection #9

Conscious and awareness are two words that can be easily mixed up into one. After reading about it, I am still having difficulty comprehending it. It’s just like understanding the difference between character and personality. Through many discussions with friends I have come to the understanding that character is displayed by personality. Without personality, there would be no character.

If you were to look for the synonym of the word conscious, you would find aware. If you were to do the same with aware you will find conscious. If you look up the synonym for character, you would find personality; and vice versa. Consciousness and awareness can be intertwined.

For example, sleep is an example of the distinction between consciousness and awareness. While we are sleep, our conscious is turned off; however, we are aware of sounds. If the sound has any significance, our consciousness turns back on, and makes us aware of the sound. Sleepers wouldn’t wake up to a conversation, but they would wake up to their name. As a result, when we are aware of something, we are conscious of it.

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Reflection #8

According to my text book, Human Diversity in Education, Socialization is the process an individual will learn what is appropriate to be a member of a group, such as family, work, or social group. Social Class a way to categorize individuals in a stratified social system; social class characteristics are often related (but may not be limited) to child-rearing practices, beliefs, values, economic status, prestige, and influence, and general life chances. Social Status is the degree to which an individual has power, influence, or leadership in his or her social group.

Parents can socialize their children in many ways directly and indirectly. My mother has done a great job raising me. I was socialized to have beliefs and values. I have principles; I know right from wrong. She raised me with a Catholic foundation. She taught me to continue my education to ensure my future. I was born into what is known as middle class.

The media delivers a variety of social classes. The television exposes the audience to every social class there is such as: the rich, the poor, religious, atheist, and everything in between. The media can influence us to change our practice or it can educate us on what other people practice in their lives.

Sexual relationships are a choice each individual chooses. Some people are homosexual, heterosexual, or bisexual. Some people choose to abstain from sex till their married, and others are monogamous, or promiscuous.

Reflection #7

Rites of passages is when a person transitions into one phase into another, similar to child into adolescence, or adolescence into adulthood. Rites of passages can also be a transformation, or initiation into a group. When someone gets baptized it’s a form of rites of passage, the transitioning into becoming a follower of Christ. When a Jewish boy turns thirteen, it signifies the transformation into a boy to a man, likewise with a Hispanic quince, and an American Sweet Sixteen. Even fraternities and sororities have initiation in order to be in the group. There are many forms of rites of passages in the military, in religion and even in a career.

Every culture has a rites of passage, different customs, and different ways to express the transformation. In Mt Kenya circumcision of the genital organs for both sexes is a custom of rites de passage from a child to an adult. In sitting quietly they must kill someone in order to bring order to bring them into a new life of adulthood. In Sambia, they plan to build men who are strong and brave, in order to be good warriors defending their families and villages against their enemies through oral sex for nourishment. Every culture has traditions and their own way of viewing life. They have different customs which contributes to different rites of passages.

In formal education, graduation is the ritual, the ceremony that indicates growth-a transition from one stage to another. In America, a child graduates elementary into middle school, middle into high school, and then has the choice to continue their education into a vocational school, college, or university. We can consider grades as well to be rites of passage. Without grades students won’t be promoted to the next grade.

Friday, September 25, 2009

Casual Look

I cant imagine that women believed happily ever after began with a wedding, and then her husband goes overseas for their country. That was the life of many women in that era.A casual look is what most realtionships begin with unless it’s done electronically. Many songs lead their fans to believe that after the casual look, comes love, then comes marriage and a life that is happily ever after. Songs tend to indicate that love is like a fairy tale. That is partially true. I am thankful that many songs I am starting to hear on the radio bluntly discuss the work that is involved in a relationship. There are also some songs that I hear now that convey the same message as trudy wells & the six teens. Casual look can end up being a catastrophe , and even a casual look can turn into happily ever after.

The Blues Had A Baby

I can go back to when boys had cooties. "Circle, circle, dot, dot, now I got my cootie shot. Circle, cirlcle, square, square, now I got them every where. Circle, circle, knife, knife, now I got them all my life." I also remember chasing my brothers friends when he was at boy scouts. I even remember my first crush in second grade, his name was Shane Small with the same initials like me. I even dreamt about him, and my dreams are suprisignly crazy as a seven year old girl. I had my second crush on my moms best friend son who played soccer with me-his name was Brando Dunic. While I liked the soccer boy, I developed another crush for John Ponce-I was in third grade and he was in the fourth, but he was so doggonfine. Innocence child hood crushes are so easy. Then I enter middle school had a few casual looks that turned into nothing and some of my boyfriends and even my first kiss. My first kiss was a terrible experience as well. He was unattractive and our tounges were touching and it felt so weird. I regreted it until I kissed another boy who was cute, and knew what he was doing. Then I regretted that kiss until I kissed the love of my live who I am with today. Third time is definitely the charm. I found Mr. Right and I pray and hope we keep it right. So we can get married and do it every night ---And eventually have a baby.

Jamesetta On My Mind

Music is influential on many subjects especially love. A relationship goes through many phases. Each song Etta James sang about expressed a different feeling, or aspect on love, or what love endures before, during and even after. And the best thing about music it speaks a persons feelings. When a person is in love, he/she listens to love songs. But once that love comes to heartbreak, then the choice of songs change instantly.

True Love

I feel there is true love in a doo-wop song, or any song that sings about love because I am in love. My love is developing through rain and shine.
I always ask the question does love come natural, or is love work?
I got five responses 1. it’s natural; 2. it’s work; 3. it’s both; 4. love is work then becomes natural; and 5. love is natural then becomes work. For every couple its different. I know with my relationship it’s all of the above.
That is what true love is.

Its just like anything in life, takes practice and work. If you are an employee, parent, child, friend, or significant other-nothing is going to be easy-obstacles are in the way- but you must overcome them-and it makes you and the relationship or situation stronger.
Just like Emmet Fox (July 30, 1886–August 13, 1951) stated:
“There is no difficulty that enough love will not conquer; no disease that enough love will not heal; no door that enough love will not open; no gulf that enough love will not bridge; no wall that enough love will not throw down; no sin that enough love will not redeem... It makes no difference how deeply seated may be the trouble; how hopeless the outlook; how muddled the tangle; how great the mistake. A sufficient realization of love will dissolve it all. If only you could love enough you would be the happiest and most powerful being in the world...”


Man grief is a mediated affect, imagery of heartache, and fear causes a man to feel like raindrops are falling from his eyes. Men are supposed to be so tough they came up with a metaphor to disguise crying.

There are many emotions as a human we experience. We can be happy, mad, sad, angry, anxious, and nervous. All of these emotions can lead any human to cry. Young, old, male or female, we all cry. It’s a shame some cultures thinks when a man cries they aren’t even considered to be a man because men aren’t suppose to cry. Men who cry can be called all kinds of names. If we accept a woman or a baby who cries, we should accept a man who cries too.

Men should be raised with the fact that crying is an emotion that all humans convey. Researchers are coming to the conclusion that crying is good because “tears appear to reduce tensions, remove toxins, and increase the body's ability to heal itself….. and men who are able to cry may enjoy better physical and emotional health.”

Raindrops can be symbolized in so many ways. Raindrops can be disguised as tears.
I would like to think raindrops as a symbol of growth. Rain is water and it helps plants grow. When a person is able to release their emotion into tears, it’s a process, a progress to overcome a situation whether it is good or bad.

For the people who are in disbelief, men do cry. For the men who have been raised to think they’re not supposed to, you can!!!!

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Reflection #6

If I was in the “Little Rock Nine,” I think I would have wanted to quit, but challenge myself to fight for my right. I would have been surrounded by eight other people with the same mind set, which would help me continue our mission to get our education.

If I would go back in time right now, as an African American or Caucasian, I can’t believe they would segregate schools in order to “to preserve the peace and avert violence.” The National Guard tried to prevent violence by turning away black children to get their education. That is ridiculous. These nine children were trying to do something good in their life, how are they going to commit a crime when all they want to commit to is homework, projects, and listening to the teacher. That statement is ridiculous. I hope they are living today to see how America has changed.

I wonder how my personality and beliefs would be if I was born during the Civil War as a Caucasian and raised with a racist family. Even if I was brought up with a prejudice family against race, I wonder if I would grow up and realize its wrong, or would I be just like my family. I also wonder how I would act if I was born during the civil war as an African-American as well. I wonder and plan to discover if my family was racist or not.

I am not an outspoken person, but sometimes I will actually speak up. Living in an environment like that as an African-American, I would just keep walking away from the slurs of people around me. If I were to react I’m sure something terrible would happen.

I am thankful that I was born into south Florida when bathrooms, water fountains, classrooms, and buses were for everyone. I am blessed to say that I have friends of all nationalities. I am extremely grateful that our ancestors sacrificed their lives, and have made improvements for today’s society.

Reflection #5

Culture first begins with the human spirit. The human spirit is what drives a culture and forces it to animate itself. For example, this human spirit also known as culture develops through different groups of people. It also needs a variety of experiences and beliefs to be fulfilled. Each human spirit is unique, meaning no culture is superior or inferior to each other.

Culture builds and cultivates. It is language, food, music, behavior, traditions, values, attitudes, beliefs, perceptions, and customs. Culture is a learning experience, and it influences an individual or a certain culture. For example, America is built on many other countries. What is an American? An American lives in America. America is a melting pot. America is multicultural. Every person or their family in the United States is from another country. If the Europeans, or Africans didn’t discover the U.S.A the American culture would be Indians. Another prime example of culture is me. I am Spanish and Irish from my mother. I am Polish and Russian from my father. I was born and raised in Miami surrounded by African Americans. Some people stereotype me as a white girl trying to be black, but reality is the African American culture is my culture because that’s what I have been raised around. When some people meet me they ask me whats my nationality, and they even tell me I have an accent. They here many different cultures through my voice. Even though my skin color is white, I have been influenced by the African American culture, and Jamaicans as well. My fiancĂ© is Jamaican; I learn and adapt to his culture. I acknowledge and intake his cultures food, the music, his style, beliefs and thoughts on life.

I have intercultural incompetence. I have the capability to function with other cultures. Intercultural incompetence is the life I live. I am surrounded by many cultures, Hispanics of all countries, Jamaicans, Haitians, Trinidadian,and Caucasians etc.

I am not aware of every culture. But I know if I travel to a certain country. I should do some research because every culture gets offended by simple sayings or actions.

Believing is a way of adapting and functioning to a different culture. If I didnt beleive Jamaicans were cool, I wouldnt have adapted to their culture. Therefore, believing is a way of adapting to a culture.

Friday, September 11, 2009

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Reflection #4

I am very grateful that I have been raised in a diverse city. In this diverse city, there are still secluded neighborhoods of just Caucasians, African-Americans, Hispanics, and some are mixed races. I was raised in an African-American neighborhood, with a Christian foundation from my mother. My father remarried to a Jewish Caucasian lived in predominantly Caucasian neighborhood. When I went to school I was either in an all black school, or a really diverse school. My mother sent me to a diverse school because she wanted me to be around different cultures other than African Americans. In my community service work throughout high school, I have dealt with African American children as well as Hispanics. I never had a diverse room setting. My first job as a camp counselor I dealt with White children. But race isn’t an issue.

I feel I am prepared for a diverse class as a teacher. Race doesn’t bother me one bit, gender, neither does religion. I am an open minded person; I respect and am aware that everyone has different religious beliefs. I feel I might need help on is dealing with children with and without families, the children with disabilities, the children who learn at different paces. That is what I need to learn whether it is through a class, my internship, community service, this book, or when I become a teacher. Reading these cases well help develop my ways of thinking about teaching. I also think dealing with those situations will come naturally; my human instincts would come into affect, or I can ask assistance from a co-worker, family, friend, or professor.

I want to teach early child hood, whether it is Head Start (ages 3-5), pre-k or kindergarten. Through my experience I know all children want and need is to learn, love, attention, encouragement, praise and to play. I understand that kids work at different learning paces but if they receive what they need, any child will succeed and learn to the best of their ability. I feel I am well-prepared for diversity in a class room setting.

Reflection #3

A person, who goes through a thinking process, then understands and clarifies perspectives of reality, is a paradigm. A paradigm shift is when the person who understands and clarifies certain aspects of life, makes it a new way of living and thinking. These two definitions are potent just like transformation. Paradigm can be considered reinvention of the mind. And the paradigm shift is a transformation that happens instantly.

Personally, I do not think I ever went through a paradigm shift because I normally progress over time, and change slowly but surely. According to the reading, it says I must let go of the old to embrace the new. I can’t be one foot in and one foot out, it must happen right then and there, all at once. A paradigm shift sounds like a great experience. I have thought and understood many paradigms, but never quite took the shift because I tend to hold on to the past, materialistic thoughts or things, and even ideas I had since I was in elementary school. I can say I do believe in the new paradigms. Like the earth is round, not flat. I was born into the belief of the new paradigm shifts.

As a teacher, there are certain rules and standards by the state and the school will require me to abide by. Some of these standards will be best for me and my classroom. And others probably can’t and won’t even work. And as a teacher it is probably best that I have some kind of eureka experience (paradigm), in order for me to shift things around in the system or in my classroom. Teachers must have paradigm and paradigm shifts because the classroom setting is changing constantly. Classes are becoming more diverse, technology, children of all races, gender, religions, and exceptional students are all being integrated into the classroom with all these changes from the student point of view, changes must happen for the teachers.

Monday, August 31, 2009

Reflection #2

Transformation is happening within me and the world we are living in. Anything we observe and experience will transform an individual. Transforming is a process that can be considered magic. According to the writer of this topic, “Much of the magic in the world we live in is produced by the transformations we observe and experience.” Transformation is indeed magic because it happens in many forms such as renovation, alteration, makeover, revolution, and conversion/recovery. When people change from bad to good, or good to bad, whether it is physical, emotional, spiritual, psychological, people are in awe when they see this change- just like magic.

A butterfly is a symbol of transformation. A butterfly starts off as an egg, turns into a caterpillar, then a chrysalis, and turns into a butterfly. This transformation is inevitable for the caterpillar to transform into a butterfly.
According to my Professor, “College Education should be when a student is transforming… It is a market place of ideas, meaning shopping intellectually.” That is what I am doing in college. College is transforming me to be a intellectual individual. Its helping me transform to be the butterfly I need to be to go in the work force and have a family.

T.I's song entitled dead and gone implies he is going through some kind of transformation, he says a part of him isnt here today, it left yesterday, his heart is strong today, he doesnt have any regrets and is blessed to say, "the old me is dead and gone ..." This transformation is visual. When a person acts, or thinks differently. Leaving the past in the past and finding a new way to live is transformations we all go through.

The word transformation is profound, it has a whole new meaning to me. Im excited to see transformations within in me, my family, friends and the world. Just how the catepillar changes its entire structure, and turns into a butterfly, such a dramatic change, but yet it is possible.

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Reflection #1

Five hundred thousand years ago, fire was used for cooking food, protecting one another, and keeping warm. If I could go back in time back in time, I would bring them a stove top with an oven, air conditioner with a heater, some pens, pencils, markers, paint and paper, and a car. Our Ancestors did everything we did with nature. It is fascinating. Our Ancestors had human instincts. It amazes me they knew what they had to do, and figured out what they needed in order to do so.

We have so many tools, and inventions that have evolved. We can go to stores to purchase any kind of equipment we need. We have all kinds of writing utensils, and arts and crafts in order for us to write, or do arts and crafts. We have tire shops all over.

While I was reading the history of writing, first thing that caught my attention was a constanant alphabet. And I thought about my name it would be Smnth. The alphabet has evolved with vowels. I would love to hear how their language sounded.

The invention of the wheel was a way for humans to figure out how to move things around. Even with all the inventions we live with now, there are so many things we still discover, and figure out how to advance what we have as well. Without the wheel we wouldn’t have any kind of transportation such as planes, bicycles, cars etc. I am thankful for how transporation has evolved.

As a teacher intern reading this material, I felt we are developed and still developing. One generation leaves something for the next. So, what I’m wondering is what’s going to be next. Another thing we have to do is start being grateful for what we have. We have accomplished so much. We have advanced so much with integrating technology. I hope we don’t forget to teach with and without it. I don't want us to forget how much the world is transforming.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Biography (Why am I in the education field?)

On June 11, 1988, I, Samantha Christie-Anna was born and raised in the multi-cultural city of Miami. My nationality is Spanish and Irish from my mother and Russian and Polish from my father.

When I graduated at Archbishop Curley Notre Dame High School in 2007, I decided to go to Johnson & Wales University to pursue a degree in Culinary Arts to develop a passion for cooking. My Mom was a teacher for Head Start. My Dad was a teacher for elementary school. Even my step mother was a teacher for the high school I graduated. I wanted to find my own path like my brother. I wanted to make good money. Teachers are not in it for the money. But I was thinking of the money, so I went to school to become a Chef. I graduated Johnson & Wales University with my AS in Culinary Arts realizing I would not want to do this the rest of my life. I realized that I am not happy with cooking. I didn't see myself as a Chef.

I saw myself with children. I feel that I am my best when I am with kids. I saw myself as a teacher just like my mom, my dad and my step mom. All my life I have been with children. In other words all the community service I did was with Head Start. Every time my mom needed help I use to go to her class and help her. I saw how she developed relationships with the parents, as well as the children. In middle school, I use tutor my next door neighbor. My first job was a camp counselor at a summer camp.

I see myself in the Education field for many reasons. My passion is teaching children. I love how teachers make a difference and inspire someone’s life. I like the hours that a teacher works compared to a Chef. In the future, I want to get married and have kids and I don't want my job hours to contradict the time I spend with my family. I'm interested in being a teacher because I know I will have benefits, insurance and vacation. I am not in it for the money. I'm in it because I know I will be successful and happy. And teaching children is something I am good at.I am looking foward to walking across the stage and getting a degree in education.