Saturday, November 7, 2009

Reflection # 16

Genocide is an organized function to demolish a racial, cultural, or political group. Ethnic Cleansing is the removal of a group that is unwanted by society, and forced migration or genocide. Genocide and ethnic cleansing is a form of physical attack and extermination. It happens when attitudes of prejudice compel groups or individuals to commit acts of violence. The patterns of genocide and ethnic cleansing are similar. They both have a dominant group that wants to take control and have the power to oppress over a group that they feel is inferior. Because the two are similar many still misuse both terms.

For example, the holocaust is a well-known genocide, but what many people don’t know there were and still is genocides, and ethnic cleansing still happening. The beginning of our country started off with some form of the Europeans being prejudice resulting in ethnic cleansing, forced the Indians to migrate. etc.

I wish that ethnic cleansing was only forced migration. Forced migration should be the only way to act when angry, jealous, prejudice etc. I do not understand how individuals or groups can go to the extreme and even consider killing a race, culture, or political group. When two civilized people or two groups get into a disagreement, they can talk it out or avoid each other. In order to get something accomplish, a group does not have to take things to the extreme because they feel intimidated by another group. A proper way of handling the situation would be for both sides to sit down and talk about the issue and come to some type of compromise or resolution. Even though both sides are on different ends of the spectrum there is always going to be a middle ground they could reach. That’s the civilized way to handle a situation rather than taking someone’s life over something that can be solved effective communication.

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